Float serialization

Floating points can be split as two integers, mantissa and exponent. Computer’s internal floating point presentation doesn’t effect to values of mantissa and exponent.

Required defines:


Splitting float or double into mantissa and exponent

To make serialization independent on computer’s floating point presentation, we break a C floating point type into two integers, mantissa and exponent. Then we serialize those.

void osal_float2ints(
    os_float x,
    os_long *m,
    os_short *e);

void osal_double2ints(
    os_double x,
    os_long *m,
    os_short *e);

Merging mantissa and exponent into float or double

A C floating point type can be constructed from mantissa and exponent:

os_boolean osal_ints2float(
    os_float *x,
    os_long m,
    os_short e);

os_boolean osal_ints2double(
    os_double *x,
    os_long m,
    os_short e);

191026, 23.5.2020/pekka