IOCOM in simple multi player game? =================================== This test code/example is for IOCOM network topology using Python API (iocompython) and Pyglet game UI library. Network topology for a multi player game can be very similar to IO device network: I run server side app (also python/iocompython) in Amazon’s AWS and client side in my computers. The “game arena” is analogous to “IO device network” and “player” to “IO device”. .. figure:: pics/asteroid-game.png asteroid game. On server side ********************* It is was easy. Amazon EC2 is like Linux computer (virtual one tough) to which I connect with putty terminal. Necessary software like git, cmake, python3-dev, etc. can be just installed to AWS machine by typing “sudo yum install git….” to pytty terminal. Then I use “git clone..” to get “/coderoot/iocom” and “/coderoot/eosal” source code. The iocompython C code /coderoot/iocom/extensions/iocompython builds with cmake to “/coderoot/bin/linux/” on linux (or bin/win32/iocompython.pyd” on windows). To run the Asteroid game server, use in “iocompython/examples/asteroid-service/”. On client side. ********************* The “/coderoot/iocom/extensions/iocompython” C code needs to be compiled for client environment, this makes the Python module. Asteroid game’s client side Python code is in “iocompython/examples/asteroid-client-pyglet”. Linux notes: ********************* Note 1: Build and run dependencies (already in dev. virtual machine) • sudo apt-get install cmake • python (3.5 or newer preferred) • pyglet Note 2: Build iocompython from C code • cd /coderoot/iocom/extensions/iocompython • mkdir tmp • cd tmp • rm -R * • cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. • make Note 3: Check build result • ls -la /coderoot/bin/linux/iocomp* • ==> -rwxr-xr-x 1 pekka pekka 244056 Dec 26 22:12 /coderoot/bin/linux/ Note 4: Start asteroid test service • open new terminal • cd /coderoot/iocom/extensions/iocompython/examples/asteroid-service • ./ Note 5: Start asteroid test client • open new terminal • cd /coderoot/iocom/extensions/iocompython/examples/asteroid-client-pyglet • nano • modify line connection = Connection(root, "", "tls,up") to have numeric IP address of computer running the asteroid service. is in same computer. Save the file and close gedit. • ./ Note 6: General • Line "import pyglet" or "import kivy" in .py file causes python to load Pyglet, or Kivy, if the library is installed. • Python starts with command python3 Python. • Ofter several different Python 3 versions are installed in same computer, so sometimes we use "/usr/bin/python3" and sometimes just “python3” to start Python. • Python needs to find /coderoot/bin/linux/ To make this happen environment variable "export PYTHONPATH=/coderoot/bin/linux" is set. • Startup script ending with “.sh” sets PYTHONPATH and starts asteroid test application "/usr/bin/python3" 191202, updated 24.5.2020/pekka